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A new era of impact: Building on 20 years of United Way work in neighbourhoods

October 15, 2024 by United Way Greater Toronto

People gathered around tables at a community event outside the Jane Street Hub

As we look ahead to ensure we build a future GTA that works for everyone, we look back at the last two decades of our work in community building stronger neighbourhoods

The challenges facing our neighbourhoods right now are big — rising costs-of-living, soaring rents and housing costs, food insecurity. Too many people are struggling to make ends meet. The development and transformation happening in our neighbourhoods threatens to displace local residents and businesses.  

That’s why we are embarking on a new decade-long campaign to build stronger neighbourhoods and transform the GTA into a place where everyone can thrive. We know that won’t happen overnight. But United Way — backed by decades of experience working in and with community — is uniquely positioned to get this work done.  

A proven track record in neighbourhood work 

A woman moves boxes of food at a United Way funded food bank

Our impact is deeply rooted across the GTA. For nearly 70 years, United Way Greater Toronto has invested time, energy and resources in strengthening the very fabric of our neighbourhoods. Our impact has been built on a foundation unlike any other, with expertise in community-led and -serving programs, meaningful research and public policy work conducted with Canada’s leading academic institutions, and longstanding, cross-sector partnerships with government, social services, community organizations and the corporations driving our economy.  

Across the civic, corporate, community and government landscapes, we have built an undeniable reputation as a trusted partner and reliable leader, capable of addressing complex, systemic challenges and nurturing healthier, stronger neighbourhoods across the GTA. Now, we want to do more as we prepare the region and everyone who calls it home to find hope and prosperity, even in an uncertain future.  

Working together to serve the GTA since 1956 

A map of United Way-funded agencies across the GTA

United Way is creating impact every year, with: 

  • 1.8 million people served 
  • 80,000+ donors generously supporting our vision 
  • 2,000 dedicated volunteers 
  • 800+ committed workplaces participating in giving campaigns 
  • $115 million distributed to community agencies and program support  
  • 650+ programs and services  
  • 300+ GTA agencies supported 

20 years of impact 

Our journey and the milestones we reached along the way highlight United Way’s commitment to creating more resilient neighbourhoods across the GTA. From groundbreaking research to expanded services and so much more, we have continued to evolve to meet the changing needs of people across the region: 

An image depicting milestones in United Way Greater Toronto's neighbourhood work, including images of research reports and Community Hubs

2004 – Poverty by Postal Code: United Way compiles a groundbreaking report highlighting the growing concentration of poverty in Toronto’s inner suburbs and serving as the basis for practical solutions that empower residents to thrive. 

2005 – Building Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy: Using data and mapping, United Way shifts our investments to build vital community-service infrastructure in underserved neighbourhoods, establishing more than 150 community groups in 13 neighbourhoods and expanding our network to 230 agencies.  

2009 – First Community Hub: United Way opens our first Community Hub in the Eglinton East-Kennedy Park neighbourhood, bringing services together in a dynamic one-stop community space. Over the next 15 years, this location will serve as a model for nine more Community Hubs

An image depicting milestones in United Way Greater Toronto's neighbourhood work, including images of research reports and Community tables and events

2011 – Vertical Poverty: United Way publishes a report showing poverty is becoming concentrated in high-rise rental buildings, further segregating low-income families and excluding them from opportunities. The report presented 26 recommendations. 

2013 – Furthering Our Community by Uniting Services (FOCUS): United Way launches FOCUS alongside the City of Toronto and the Toronto Police Service, working with over 250 agency partners. These situation tables provide a targeted, wraparound approach to individuals and families experiencing high levels of risk for crisis and trauma. Over 10 years, FOCUS has impacted 10,000+ people and set the standard for similar tables in Peel and York regions. 

2015 – Community Services Strategy: United Way launches a network of community services, creating a more collaborative and stable social safety net for the GTA while ensuring our agencies can access sustainable funding and become more autonomous in their operations. 

An image depicting milestones in United Way Greater Toronto's neighbourhood work, including images of the Inclusive Local Economic Opportunity initiative, and community tables

2018 – Inclusive Local Economic Opportunity (ILEO): United Way launches ILEO alongside co-convener BMO Financial Group to reduce gaps in economic prosperity at the neighbourhood level, starting with Toronto’s Greater Golden Mile. Since 2021, the initiative has contributed $10.3 million in financial return to residents through job opportunities, entrepreneurship support and majority-community-owned ventures. 

2020 – Local Love in a Global Crisis: United Way raises $14 million in the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling local agencies to continue, and often increase, the critical work they were doing in “hot spots” that overlapped with communities experiencing poverty. We also channeled another $15 million of government funds into emergency programming, personal protective equipment and other supports. 

2022 – Cluster Tables: United Way expands the scope of Community Coordination Tables established during the pandemic, bringing together agencies, community groups, local government, healthcare networks and other key players to collaborate on everything from vaccine rollouts to food security initiatives. These tables move quickly and allow us to get ahead of issues faster. 

2024 – A New Era of Impact: United Way launches our most ambitious fundraising campaign to date, a bold, 10-year strategy that builds on the lessons learned over the decades to strengthen neighbourhoods across the GTA today and into the future. 

With our proven history, extensive experience, dedicated partners and scale of impact, United Way Greater Toronto is uniquely positioned to affect change and lead the way to a future where everyone can thrive. And we will do it – any way we can. 

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