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Community Program Grants

Request for Proposals for Community Program Grants

We are currently inviting applications for our 2024 Community Program Grant (CPG) Stream. United Way Greater Toronto (UWGT) will fund up to 10 new evidence-based programs or initiatives addressing Housing and Homelessness or Inclusive Employment. Proposals must provide supports in Peel Region, the City of Toronto and/or York Region serving people who live in poverty or addressing the underlying causes of poverty through a systems approach.

Prior to beginning your application, we strongly encourage you to:

Application Deadline:October 2, 2024 by 5pm
Notification of Decisions:January 2025
Commencement of Funding Contracts:April 1, 2025

Individual organizations or groups of organizations are eligible for this funding. If you are applying as a group, a lead organization must complete the application and meet the eligibility requirements.

  • Be an incorporated not-for-profit organization registered as a charity by the Canada Revenue Agency OR 
  • Be an incorporated not-for-profit organization without charitable status, trusteed by a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency OR
  • Be an initiative supported through a shared platform, with the shared platform registered as a charity with the Canada Revenue Agencies OR
  • Be a First Nation performing a function of government in Canada registered as a qualified donee
  • Be able to deliver on UWGT’s partnership expectations
  • Have financial statements for calendar year 2023 OR fiscal year 2023/24 that have been audited by a licensed public accountant, or be trusteed by a registered charity that has financial statements for calendar year 2023 OR fiscal year 2023/2024 year that have been audited by a licensed public accountant 
  • For organizations with annual revenue of less than $100,000, a review engagement for at least one fiscal year that has been conducted by a licensed public accountant would be acceptable 
  • Have at least 24 months of recent experience providing programs/services in the specific area for which you are applying for funding (i.e., Housing and Homelessness and/or Inclusive Employment)
  • Provide services in one or more of the following geographic areas: Peel Region, Toronto, or York Region 
  • Provide services to people living in, or at risk of, poverty 
  • Provide social or community services as your primary mandate 
  • For-profit organizations 
  • Full-day childcare 
  • Government or government agencies, boards, or commissions 
  • Grant-making foundations 
  • Hospitals and long-term-care facilities 
  • Individuals 
  • Organizations that could be deemed discriminatory, as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code 
  • Organizations whose purpose is solely related to political activity, as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency 
  • Organizations without a clear demarcation between religious and community service functions as evidenced in the organization’s by-laws, articles of association or letters patent 
  • Organizations without a head office or program service location in Peel Region, Toronto, or York Region 
  • Professional Associations 
  • Residential facilities that are licensed and regulated under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act and funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services 
  • Residential facilities that are funded or managed by Corrections Canada 
  • Residential facilities under the Homes for Special Care Act 
  • Retirement homes regulated by the Retirement Homes Act
  • Services mandated by the Child, Youth and Family Services Act
  • Universities, colleges and school boards 
  • Unions 

Grant funds may be used for staff salary, operations, and/or program costs, including purchase of equipment, relating to running the program your organization is requesting funding for.

  • Addition of basic shelter beds or transitional housing beds
  • Direct financial assistance (loans, grants, scholarships) to individuals or families
  • Partisan political activity defined as the direct or indirect promotion of a political candidate or party
  • Rent supplements
  • Services covered by OHIP
  • Services provided by medical professionals or regulated health professionals other than social workers or social service workers, or psychotherapists
  • Support of operating deficits
  • Large capital construction costs
  • Purchase of real property (real estate, land, buildings)
  • Operational costs associated with UWGT funded Community Hubs
  • Religious activities, except for Indigenous cultural and/or spiritual activities

3 years (April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2028)

  • $50,000 – $150,000 per program, per year
  • $75,000 is the median funding amount per program
  • Applicants may apply for 1 program under Housing and Homelessness and/or 1 program under Inclusive Employment; it is unlikely that more than 1 program will be funded per agency, given the limited funding

All applications will be reviewed by committees comprised of UWGT staff, volunteers, and sector experts. The committees will include volunteers with lived experience, representative of the diversity of our region. Separate review committees will be struck for Housing and Homelessness and for Inclusive Employment. Applications from Indigenous organizations will be reviewed by a review committee comprised of members of the Indigenous community.

The review committees will select eligible proposals that meet the assessment criteria, demonstrate evidence-based outcomes, and drive UWGT’s strategic priorities to meet community needs across Peel Region, Toronto, and York Region. The review committees may request further information from applicants.

  • Alignment with the overarching purpose of our funding with a demonstrated focus on poverty.
  • In-person and/or virtual access for people living in neighbourhoods and/or geographies with high concentrations of poverty and/or limited community service infrastructure.
  • Ability of program or initiative to address populations living in poverty who face systemic barriers to equal access, opportunities, and resources due to disadvantage and discrimination. Examples include Indigenous peoples, Black peoples, racialized peoples, women, the 2SLGBTQ+ community and people with disabilities.
  • Outcomes and impacts presented address the problem, need or challenge identified by the application and align with UWGT’s approach and desired impact as described in your chosen issue area of Housing and Homelessness or Inclusive Employment.
  • Outputs and outcomes are relevant to the funding request (e.g., number of unique individuals served, program activities, number of individuals remain employed for more than six months, number of individuals remain housed, etc.).
  • A plan to monitor and evaluate impacts as well as conduct evaluation for learning is in place.
  • Demonstrated history working with the population to be served. Culturally reflective services will be strongly considered.
  • Demonstrated basic organizational health: good governance; financial management and oversight; compliance with human resource policies and practices; and risk management.
  • The trustee can meet all organizational health requirements and has confirmed willingness to play this role (where applicable).
  • Demonstrated ability to steward UWGT funding, including a record of timely and accurate reporting to funders.
  • Indicated support from the partners for collaborative applications.
  • Confirmation of policies in place to guide reconciliation and equity and demonstrated community representation at the Board, senior management, and staff levels.
  • Clear description of the specific need, service gap or opportunity to be addressed by the program or initiative that addresses the challenge presented in the funding criteria for Housing and Homelessness and Inclusive Employment.
  • Evidence of good practice informing the design of the program or initiative (e.g., evaluation data); program models used from within the GTA or from other jurisdictions. 
  • Involvement of people with lived experience in program design, delivery and evaluation.
  • Clear objectives, activities and impact and their relationship to one another. 
  • Demonstrated connection to a broader service system. 
  • Specific description of ways in which the program will address systemic barriers for structurally disadvantaged groups and/or Indigenous populations such as culturally relevant programming, accommodations, and outreach.
  • Budget is logical and accurate and demonstrates contributions from other sources of funds or sufficient guaranteed funds to effectively implement the program.
  • Budget clearly identifies specific need for and use of UWGT funding.

As part of its overall housing and homelessness strategy, UWGT is particularly interested in increasing its investments in the following:

  • Supportive programs and initiatives that help people maintain their housing.
  • Programs and initiatives that close opportunity gaps for communities that face a greater risk of homelessness because of systemic barriers to equal access, opportunities, participation and resources due to disadvantage and discrimination.
  • Programs and initiatives located in neighbourhoods and geographies with high concentrations of poverty and homelessness and less community service infrastructure.
  • Initiatives and programs that propose a pilot, expansion, or improvement of a recognized best practice within homelessness service delivery, such as the following examples from the P & L Odette Charitable Foundation Homelessness Solutions Lab Final Report:
  • Post-release Housing First teams for individuals exiting correctional, youth services, and healthcare institutions;
  • Multi-disciplinary approaches and partnerships to provide a deeper level of in-home support for re-housed clients;
  • Home stay programs that support diversion;
  • Eviction prevention programs including landlord engagement;
  • Culturally appropriate, trauma-informed outreach and housing programs for different population groups.

For this Community Program Grant funding call, UWGT will support programs or initiatives that:

  • Address unmet needs through focused programs that address gaps in specific geographic areas and/or specific populations.
  • Embed prevention and diversion-based practices and system solutions to reduce the risk and frequency of homelessness for individuals.
  • Offer community-level and systems-level solutions which enhance service delivery coordination and/or leverage unique opportunities to help people maintain housing are also encouraged.

For this limited round of Community Program Grant funding, the following focus areas, populations, and geographies will be prioritized.

  • Programs that assist individuals to maintain their housing.
  • Eviction prevention programs, including counselling and landlord/tenant mediation initiatives and engagement.
  • Culturally appropriate support programs and services.
  • After care case management for people once they are housed.

Communities that face a greater risk of homelessness because of systemic barriers to equal access, opportunities, participation, and resources due to disadvantage and discrimination will be prioritized. Examples include Indigenous peoples, Black peoples, racialized peoples, women, the 2SLGBTQ community and people with disabilities.

Programs and initiatives that are delivered in the following areas will be prioritized:

  • East, North, West Toronto
  • Peel Region
  • Housing access worker and related positions.
  • Capital projects.
  • Rent supplements or subsidies.

The Inclusive Employment Strategy aims to connect people who experience employment barriers with training and supports that enables them to build foundations for employment, acquire in-demand skills and secure income and job security. More specifically, the strategy seeks to create opportunities for job seekers experiencing barriers to employment and employers with hiring needs to connect in mutually beneficial ways.

UWGT’s aim is to enhance employment opportunities and financial security for low-income individuals facing multiple barriers. We strive to bridge the gap between industries, employers and skilled job seekers by capitalizing on real labor market opportunities and developing the skills and training pathways demanded by employers. Please review the full Inclusive Employment Framework and Criteria.

UWGT’s Inclusive Employment Strategy outlines an employment readiness continuum with three stages:

1. Foundational Capacities

2. Skills Building

3. Employment

For this funding round, UWGT is only accepting applications from organizations in Stage 3 of the Inclusive Employment Job Continuum. UWGT will focus on increasing its investments in workforce development programs1 and initiatives that:

  • Respond to employers’ real hiring needs;
  • Prioritize employer engagement;
  • Achieve strong employment outcomes;
  • Address opportunity gaps for marginalized communities;
  • Target neighborhoods with high poverty and limited-service infrastructure;
  • Target multiple barrier populations, which may include but is not limited to low-income job seekers, newcomers, Indigenous peoples, Black peoples, racialized individuals, people with disabilities, or job seekers involved with the justice system.

[1] Initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills, knowledge, and employability of workers, often through training, education, and job placement services.

Your organization should apply for this funding if:

  • You have been implementing workforce development interventions in close partnership with employers for at least two years, including co-designing and implementing career pathways.
  • You have strong employer connections, supported by letters of commitment for paid internships.
  • You can provide comprehensive wrap-around supports, including post-program retention supports.
  • You have strong community connections to facilitate outreach and recruitment.
  • You are familiar with integrating technical and soft skills training that has been informed or validated by employers.

New interventions will be considered, but only from organizations with a proven track record of achieving successful employment outcomes in previous interventions. Priority will be given to organizations that have demonstrated effectiveness in implementing workforce development programs, particularly those that have successfully run similar programs in the past, citing specific examples of positive outcomes such as high job placement rates or long-term employment retention among program participants.

Applications must incorporate the following program components, either directly or through agreements with other service providers:

  1. Employer engagement throughout the program’s design, implementation, placement, and employment process.
  2. Comprehensive wrap-around supports, including post-program job-retention supports, transportation, childcare, counseling, mental health, and financial support.
  3. Technical and Life skills training informed and validated by employers.
  4. Experiential learning opportunities such as paid internships or placements.

Programs or initiatives selected for funding will:

  • Improve employment outcomes for low-income job seekers facing barriers to employment.
  • Increase economic security (see Good Jobs rubric) for residents through demand-driven workforce development programs.
  • Engage and support employers to meet talent needs in growing economic sectors.
  • Strengthen workplace capacity to onboard and support job seekers with varied skills, backgrounds, and social identities reflecting the diverse populations of Peel Region, Toronto, and/or York Region.

High priority will be given to Workforce Development interventions in York Region, Peel Region and North-west Toronto including but not limited to people who are racialized, Black peoples, Indigenous people, newcomers, the 2SLGBTQ+ community, people living with a disability, and/or individuals that are involved with the criminal justice system.

Well-designed programs will include the following:

  • Demonstrated Outcomes and Effectiveness:
    • Track record of successful outcomes and effectiveness in previous similar interventions.
  • Capacity to Engage Employers:
    • In program design and curriculum validation.
    • Support letters confirming employers’ commitment to the intervention, including hiring or offering paid experiential learning opportunities for graduates.
  • Provision of Comprehensive Wrap-Around Supports:
    • Including post-program retention supports to ensure long-term success.
  • Cost Per Participant:
    • Consideration of factors such as targeted sector, length and intensity of required training, the barriered population, and associated needs.
  • Quality of Jobs:
    • Assessment using the Good Jobs rubric.
    • Potential for career growth that the graduates are being prepared for.
  • Employment Social Enterprises.
  • Financial Empowerment Programming including Tax Clinics, one-on-one financial crisis counseling, and financial literacy training.
  • Pre-Employment Training programs including soft skills training, resume review writing, interview preparation, training that is not industry informed and associated with an experiential learning opportunity.

Deadline: October 2, 2024 by 5:00 pm.

You must complete your application in SurveyMonkey Apply (SMA). Word or PDF applications will not be accepted. It should take approximately 6 hours to complete the full application. You can save your application at any point and return to it.

Review the application questions on United Way’s application portal. Contact us at if you would like to receive the questions in an alternative format.

The full application is accessible through a web-based platform compliant with Accessibility for Ontarians Disability Act.

If you face any barriers in accessing the platform or require a different format for the application, please contact or 416-359-2087.

Register for a virtual Community Program Grant information session.

Still have questions? Call us at 416-359-2087 or send us an email at and our team will reply to questions within two business days.

Note: Phone support can be provided via a platform with live captioning and can be scheduled during the day and early evening.