Building a GTA for all
It takes unwavering determination and hard work to ensure the issues facing our community today, don’t define our future. But we aren’t backing down. We’re digging in – to do whatever we can, however we can, to build a GTA that is everything it can be for everyone who calls it home.
Backed by over 70 years working in and with community, we’ve been fighting local poverty and its interconnected challenges, bringing decades of experience investing, empowering and strengthening neighbourhoods across Peel, Toronto and York Region.
Our proven history, partnered with our unique ability to bring people together – from government, community, public and private sector – means we are uniquely positioned to affect change like no one else. And we will. Every day, we are rolling up our sleeves to do what it takes to have maximum impact in the communities we serve.
Any way we can
Fuelled by the collective power of community, and together with our network of social service agencies, we are strengthening the GTA’s social service net. From convening, community investments and grants, groundbreaking research, public policy and mobilization, we’re putting all the pieces together to meet the growing and ever-evolving needs of our region.
Across the GTA, we are working to:
Expand vital services
As our region is expected to grow to 9 million people over the next decade, we’re expanding and empowering our network of 300+ social service organizations that people across the GTA rely on. Delivering programs including newcomer services, housing programs, food kitchens, employment supports and more, we continue to strengthen our community’s social safety net.
We’re also investing in community programs like 211 Helpline, connecting people to government and community-based social services providing support with food, housing, health and counselling services, in their local community.
And as we work to tackle poverty, we know it impacts some groups of people more than others and we’re prioritizing opportunities for equity-deserving groups and Indigenous communities. Today, 25% of United Way-funded agencies are led by, focused on and serving equity-deserving groups.
By expanding these vital services, we’re building a region that will be able to respond to increased demand for basic needs, meet emerging challenges and build resiliency for times of crisis and for the future.

Poverty is complex and we’re digging in to provide wraparound supports to address the interconnected issues.
Future-proof our neighbourhoods
Soaring rents and rising costs threaten the existence of social service agencies that play such an important role in the health, safety and vibrancy of our communities. That’s why we are working to ensure vital community organizations people depend on can secure stable, long-term physical spaces so they can remain embedded in the communities that need them now and for years to come.
Over the next decade, we’re looking to support 100 organizations secure or stabilize long-term space.
We’re doing this by investing in the fabric of communities including expanding the footprint of our 10 Community Hubs across the GTA. Our Community Hubs are “one-stop shops” that bring social services, healthcare, recreational spaces and more together in one location. From after-school programs, community kitchens, settlement services, seniors’ programs and health clinics, these hubs are places of support, collaboration and resources, supporting whole communities. Over the next 10 years, we’ve committed to building 10 more hubs across Peel, Toronto and York Region.
Our Community Real Estate (CRE) initiative will also support community agencies that serve neighbourhoods, as rising rents and the volatile market put them at risk of having to close their doors. CRE will help organizations by offering support including planning and development grants, and funding for refurbishing and renovations so that spaces can be adapted to better meet the needs of the communities they serve.

Empowering community and enabling innovative solutions
We bring local residents, nonprofits, government, business and civic institutions together to look at interconnected challenges, from food security to housing and homelessness to inclusive employment to revolutionize how we address our most pressing issues.
We’re leveraging and adapting our tried-and-true approaches and bringing innovative, community-first initiatives to the places that need them – like our Inclusive Local Economic Opportunity which is creating economic opportunities at the neighbourhood level in the Greater Golden Mile area in Scarborough.
And like our Social Medicine Initiative which offers permanent, affordable, supportive housing for people with chronic and complex health conditions who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
And together, we will build a GTA where everyone, in every neighbourhood, has everything they need to thrive. Any way we can.