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Bringing affordable housing home: An action plan for housing stability in Ontario

It’s time to bring affordable housing home.

We all know how important a safe, affordable and accessible home is. It’s foundational to building a stable life – to accessing everything from employment and education to food and social services.

An affordable home is also out of reach for far too many in our province, especially lower income residents, with one quarter of renter households in Ontario living in core housing need and nearly two in five paying unaffordable rents. The devastating impact of housing instability isn’t limited to the wellbeing of individuals and families, this growing unmet need increases pressure on community programs and services, and other negative impacts for communities. The need and our shared obligation are clear. We must find a way to house Ontarians – all Ontarians.

That’s why United Ways across Ontario, in collaboration with our non-profit sector partners — Canadian Centre for Housing Rights, Ontario Alliance to End Homelessness, Ontario for All, and Ontario Nonprofit Network – convened 20 local consultations, drawing on the expertise of 400 non-profit housing leaders to develop a plan for action.

Non-profit and co-operative housing providers are uniquely placed to lead the charge in in partnership with the public and private sector in realizing housing options for those in greatest need of affordable and deeply affordable housing. And now, equipped with the seven solutions-focused recommendations below, they stand ready to work with all levels of government to deliver on our shared commitment to lift Ontarians out of housing unaffordability, precarity and homelessness:


Federal, provincial, and municipal governments make surplus lands and assets available to non-profit and co-operative housing providers to grow deeply affordable and supportive housing options across Ontario. 

Federal, provincial, and municipal governments increase investment in and improve greater access to financing for the development of affordable and deeply affordable homes across Ontario. 

The provincial government, in partnership with municipal governments, provides development incentives that prioritize non-profit housing organizations and establishes flexible programs that maximize the community housing sector’s capacity to compete in the housing market effectively. 

The provincial government, in partnership with federal and municipal governments, provides consistent and predictable long-term funding to preserve existing deeply affordable housing and supportive housing options offered by the community housing sector. 

All levels of government supply housing stabilization and eviction prevention supports and strengthen tenant protections to help renters access and maintain affordable and secure homes. 

The federal and provincial governments coordinate housing strategies, plans and programs with municipal governments while promoting cross-sector collaboration and resource sharing. 

The federal and provincial governments address and prioritize persistent housing and homelessness challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples through a dedicated strategy, programs and supports developed and implemented in partnership with Indigenous leaders, diverse Indigenous communities, housing providers, and all levels of government. 

Read the action plan for housing stability in Ontario

Learn more about each of these recommendations and accompanying blueprints for success, outlining discrete steps to their successful implementation.

Download the full report

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Report partners

Canadian Centre for Housing Rights
Ontario Alliance to End Homelessness
Ontario for All
Ontario Nonprofit Network
United Way Greater Toronto


United Way Guelph Wellington and Dufferin
United Way Waterloo Region Communities
The Change Lab
United Way Hastings and Prince Edward
Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre
Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigration
Fife House
Raising the Roof / Chez Toit
Sprectrum - Waterloo Region's Rainbow Community Space
AccessAbility Kitchener Waterloo
Just Working - Residential and Commercial Contracting
The AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo and Area
Love Your Neighbourhood Communities
Social Planning Toronto
Project READ Literacy Network
Crow Shield Lodge
United Way Oxford
South Asian Women's Centre
Affordable Housing Coalition of York Region
United Way Thunder Bay
Social Planning Council of York Region
Network for the Advancement of Black Communities
Daily Bread Foodbank
EF Society Northwestern Ontario
Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa
Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario
United Way Northumberland
United Way / Centraide - Windsor-Essex County
Research for Social Change Lab
United Way Peterborough & District
Bringing cultre home
Income Security Advocacy Centre / Centre d'action poour la securite du revenu
Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada
United Way Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington
Pillar Nonprofit Network
United Way Niagara
The Council of Aging of Ottawa
United Way City of Kawartha Lakes
United Way Elgin Middlesex
The Ark of Mercy
United Way Haldimand and Norfolk
United Way/Centraide Simcoe Muskoka
Fred Victor
Mississauga Community Legal Services
Home on the Hill Supportive Housing logo
United Way East Ontario logo
CAYR Community Connections logo
United Way Bruce Grey logo
United Way Chatham-Kent logo
United Way Halton & Hamilton
Yellow Brick House logo
CP Planning logo
Canadian Mental Health Association - Toronto
Colour of Poverty